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    Essential read: Inclusivity & Relevance in our regular funding

    By Arts Council England,

    This information is for organisations who receive regular funding from the Arts Council and gives guidance about how our Inclusivity & Relevance Investment Principle links to our investment decisions.

    Inclusivity and relevance hi res icon
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    Why music education matters

    By Darren Henley,

    Our CEO, Darren Henley, writes about the launch of the new model music curriculum and what this means for the future of music education.

    A group of young people perform a saxophone concert onstage
    Photo by National Youth Jazz Orchestra - Academy Rich Mix gig. Photo: Daniel Devlin
  3. This week marks exactly a year since the first national lockdown.

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    Essential read: Inclusivity & Relevance

    By Arts Council England,

    We want England’s diversity fully reflected in the individuals and organisations we support and the culture they produce.

    Inclusivity and relevance hi res icon
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    Women in Leadership: Claire Somerville, Chief Executive of Babylon Arts

    By Arts Council England,

    In the latest instalment of our Women in Leadership series, we speak with Claire Somerville, Chief Executive of Babylon Arts, about the importance of culture and creativity and her drive to champion young people’s access to it through opportunities. She tells us more about the projects she’s been involved with as well as reflecting on the past year and giving some advice to her younger self.

    Headshot of Claire Somerville
    Photo by Headshot of Claire Somerville
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    Women in Leadership: Shahina Johnson MBE and Marilyn Fitzgerald, Create Studios

    By Arts Council England,

    To mark International Women’s Day, we caught up with two of Create Studio’s directors, Shahina Johnson MBE (CEO and artistic director) and Marilyn Fitzgerald (director and production manager). Create Studios is a film and digital media CIC and social enterprise in Swindon giving young creative people, often from diverse backgrounds, skills to equip themselves for a career in the creative industries through ground-breaking mentorship and training programmes.

    Shahina Johnson and Marilyn Fitzgerald stand next to eachother
    Photo by Shahina Johnson MBE and Marilyn Fitzgerald, Create Studios. Photo by Thom Hobbs
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    Five questions with... Musician and writer, Elani Evangelou

    By Arts Council England,

    This week, The Box in Plymouth unveiled My Story – four new digital pieces of work by creative practitioners who identify as part of the city’s LGBTQIA+ artistic community. The works aim to celebrate the diversity of the local community, mark the 10th anniversary of the launch of Plymouth's Pride in Our Past project, and celebrate February's LGBT+ History month.

    We caught up with one of those chosen to create a new work for My Story – musician and writer Elani Evangelou – about her inspirations, creative process, hopes for the future, and how venues like The Box are supporting LGBTQIA+ voices in the arts. For her commission, Elani created a digital zine featuring her poetry, visual art and photography to tell her own and her friends’ stories.

    Musician Elani Evangelou performing. Photo by Dom Moore
    Photo by Elani Evangelou perfoming. Credit Dom Moore
  8. Blog category
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    Meet our team: Sophie Baker, Business Admin Apprentice

    By Arts Council England,

    Sophie Baker is one of our Apprentices – she started her role in April 2020, just after lockdown began, and so joined the organisation remotely. She shares why she wanted to apply for an apprenticeship, what she’s learnt so far, and how 2020 has made her value her own creative and cultural memories.

    Sophie Baker