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    New opportunities for Museums

    By Arts Council England,

    Our refreshed National Lottery Project Grants programme is now open…and that means more museums are eligible to apply to fund their work. Isabel Churcher, our Senior Manager for Museums Investment, gives us the detail on what’s new in the programme for museums.

    Person kicking a football whilst three others watch
    Photo by National Football Museum © Chris Payne
  2. Blog category
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    Getting back on track

    By Darren Henley,

    As we join the DCMS in announcing the latest support for arts and cultural organisations across the country thanks to the government's Culture Recovery Fund, our CEO Darren Henley reflects on the vital role creativity has played throughout the pandemic.

    Four performers are rehearsing on stage for Human by Extraordinary Bodies. They are looking at a performer in the middle, who is sat on the floor and holding her foot to her mouth. They are all wearing black and are at different heights.
    Photo by Human by Extraordinary Bodies, the collaboration between Diverse City and Cirque Bijou. Photo by Ali Wright
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    Volunteering Futures

    By Clare Titley,

    As we launch Volunteering Futures, funded by DCMS, our Director of Philanthropy Clare Titley gives an insight into the importance of volunteering and the role it has to play in strengthening our communities.

    A large amount of people sat at the table which is in the middle of a field for a "Community meal".
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    The next steps in our commitment to Environmental Responsibility

    By Darren Henley,

    As COP26 takes place our CEO Darren Henley provides an update on what we’ve been doing to help the creative arts and cultural sector meet the climate challenge.

    group of people fly kite
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    An invitation…

    By Darren Henley,

    As we publish information about applying to our National Portfolio for 2023 onwards, our CEO Darren Henley reflects on why this is more than a funding round – but an invitation to change lives.

    Person playing a french horn surrounded by an audience.
    Photo by The Nature of Why 2018 - Southbank Centre - Paraorchestra. Photo (C) Paul Blakemore
  6. Blog category
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    Five Questions with... Casey Elisha author of I Can Be That Too

    By Arts Council England,

    Casey Elisha is the author of Love Thy Fro about a young girl called Kemi. Her newly released book, I Can Be That Too follows Kemi as she explores different career options. For Black History Month 2021, we caught up with Casey to hear more about the book, how Arts Council England funding helped, and what the reception to Kemi’s journey has been like. Here is what Casey had to say.

    A photograph of author Casey Elisha wearing a orange, white and blue headscarf, gold earrings and necklace, white t-shirt, and beige trousers. Casey has her arms crossed and is looking off camera to the left.
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    Five Questions with... Rose Haddon and Iris Ferris from the Isle of Wight

    By Arts Council England,

    Isle of Wight charity, Independent Arts improves quality of life and reduces social isolation for people of all ages on the island. Supported through funding from the Arts Council and Baring Foundation, their pilot project, Time & Tide, celebrates the ageing community, offering the older residents an exciting island-wide programme of creative activities. Participants including Rose and Iris took part in workshops ranging from photography and visual art to dance, theatre, music and creative writing, along with museum visits, pop-up exhibitions and touring collections.

    Image of two elderly ladies holding banner
  8. Blog category
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    Introducing the Digital Culture Awards

    By Arts Council England,

    We’ve launched the first ever Digital Culture Awards – brought to you by the Arts Council and the Digital Culture Network. We caught up with Tiina Hill, Senior Manager of the Digital Cultural Network, to get an introduction to the awards and find out how you can get involved.

    Digital Culture Awards header image
    Photo by Digital Culture Awards header image