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Blog posts

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    A tonic for the nation

    By Arts Council England,

    In the next in our series of blogs about the contribution of culture under lockdown, Alexandra Brierley from the Southbank Centre in London discusses how the organisation is reaching those without access to digital technologies, to keep the nation creative and connected.

    Photo by (C) thatthingyoupluck
  2. Blog category
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    Black Lives Matter

    By Darren Henley,

    Our CEO Darren Henley blogs on the Black Lives Matter movement, and diversity within the arts and culture sector in England.

    A woman stands facing a portrait on a gallery wall taking a picture of it on her phone.
  3. Blog category
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    What comes next?

    By Darren Henley,

    Since lockdown began, we've been focusing on doing what we can to support you in the immediate future. Now that we're moving into a new phase of response to the Covid-19 crisis, our CEO Darren Henley has outlined what we think comes next and how we're planning to support the longer-term recovery of culture and creativity.

    I See You, Urban Projections at Frequency Festival 2019.
  4. Blog category
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    Getting creative for health and wellbeing

    By John McMahon,

    To mark both Creativity and Wellbeing Week and Mental Health Awareness Week, John McMahon (our lead for arts and health at the Arts Council) kicks off a series of blogs about the contribution of culture under lockdown.

    Mosaics of a leaf and ladybird on a school wall
    Photo by Artsmark - Northway Primary School (C) Xavier Fiddes / Northway Primary School
  5. Blog category
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    The end of the beginning

    By Darren Henley,

    Our CEO, Darren Henley, writes about what comes next for culture and creativity in England, as we emerge from the initial shock of the Covid-19 emergency and look to the future.

    Image of dancer in front of projection at Frequency festival.
  6. Blog category
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    Meet our team: Graeme Calvert, Senior Officer

    By Arts Council England,

    Graeme Calvert is our Senior Officer, Training & Advice based in Manchester – and you might recognise him from the videos helping applicants with our Emergency Response Funds. Before lockdown, he shared what his role involves, his stint living in a shipping container and his interest in VR…

    Graeme Calvert wearing sunglasses on a mountain
    Photo by Graeme Calvert
  7. Blog category
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    Libraries stepping up during lockdown

    By Libraries stepping up during lockdown,

    Sue Williamson, our Director, Libraries, tells us how public libraries are helping in their communities during lockdown

    Two people making PPE visors in a library
    Photo by PPE visor production at Gateshead Council – Central Library MakerPlace © Ruth Envy
  8. Our Chief Executive Darren Henley blogs about the launch of our Emergency Response Funding for National Portfolio Organisations and Creative People and Places consortia. This is the third and final Emergency Response Fund we are launching to help people and organisations in arts and culture tackle the Covid-19 crisis.

    A large illuminated cube, several metres tall, floats beneath a bridge on the Thames at night.